General Forms & Information:
- School counseling referral form
- Bus Routes, Form and Information
- School Supply List for 2024-25 school year
- K-12 Education Subtraction and Credit for 2024
Wellness forms & information:
- Wellness Policy Addendum: families of students who are 11 years old and younger will need to provide the health office with any over-the-counter medication they would like administered to their child, along with this completed Medication Permission Form (for 11 years and younger). The health office will no longer provide over-the-counter medication to elementary students, unless there is a completed permission form on file for the student.
- Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen form (for 12 years and older)
- Physician Authorization Form for Prescription Medication
- Physical Health Examination Form
- Immunization Form (Spanish version: Formularios de Inmunizacion)
Athletics Forms:
- Volleyball and Soccer Permission form
- Baseball and Softball registration
- Winter Athletics Registration for Basketball
- Intramural Basketball (2nd & 3rd Grade)
Student Clubs and Extracurricular Forms
- All Student Activities and Clubs offered at St. Charles
- Band program through Totino-Grace high school
For assistance with forms or to obtain information about additional forms, please contact the school office at 612-781-2643. To download Adobe Reader, please click here.