

Volunteer Appreciation Night is November 3

Parish Appreciation of All Volunteers – Tuesday, November 3 The parish invites all school and parish volunteers to a Mass of appreciation on Tuesday, November 3 at 7:00 pm with a reception following in Doran Hall. Please RSVP to the parish office at 612-781-6529...

Box tops round up!

Calling all Box Tops! We will soon be shipping out all of our Box Tops for Education for the first submission date of the year. Don’t let them expire! Please bring in all the Box Tops you have been saving up — they really add up! Drop-off locations are in the...

Congrats to Michael M. for outstanding PSAT score

Congratulations to Alum Michael Maloney who graduated from St. Charles in 2012. Michael has earned the title of “Commended Scholar” for his performance on the PSAT last fall. He is one of the top 2% of scorers on the PSAT among more than 1.5 million who...
St. Charles school is supported by St. Charles Borromeo Parish in St. Anthony Village, MN. At St. Charles we provide a solid foundation of Faith & Knowledge for Life. To schedule a tour, request more information, or enroll a student, please contact us by email or phone (612) 781-2643.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Click here to read the full statement.

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