Charge to Serve group
The St. Charles Charge to Serve is a volunteer service group for grades 5-8. We serve the needs of our school, community, state, region, and world. The foundation of our club is service leadership. This means we lead by example; serving those in need and being leaders within our school. We encourage teamwork, effective communication, and help members to discover their leadership talents.
At Charge to Serve every voice counts. General information about the Charge to Serve group:
- Charge to Serve is lead by a Middle School Teacher
- The whole club will meet first week of every month during lunch
- Sub-committees will meet either before school, during lunch/recess, or after school
Examples of Charge to Serve responsibilities:
- 3 middle school activity/dance nights
- Catholic Schools Week kick-off video
- Monthly morning announcements
- 8th Grade Graduation Breakfast
- Aiding elementary teachers with variety of tasks
- Keeping the playground toys organized and playground cleared
- Change-4-Change drives, Mitten Tree, and Blessing Bags
- 2-3 out-of-school service opportunities
Charge to Serve members are committed to:
- 20 meetings and 120 minutes of service each trimester
- You can count your meeting minutes, Charge to Serve events, Confirmation service hours, etc.
- Positive classroom and hallway conduct