Student Activities and Clubs
Charge to Serve student group
The St. Charles Charge to Serve group consists of middle school students who volunteer their time to help organize and plan activities, service projects and events for the school. Some examples include dances/open gym, fundraisers, 8th grade breakfast, etc. Learn more here.
Lectors/Altar Servers
Beginning in 5th grade, male students are invited to begin performing the duties of Alter Servers. Training and initial serving experience typically begins for new altar servers near the beginning of Lent under the supervision of the parish Deacon. Initially, inexperienced servers are paired with more experienced servers to assist in the learning process. Student lectors serve at various school masses throughout the year. This program is open to 8th grade students who wish to volunteer and be trained for this liturgical service.
Martial Arts
Students in grades K-8 are invited to enroll in karate lessons. Sterling Karate will offer weekly classes at St. Charles School. To sign up for classes or to get more information about Sterling Karate, visit Karate class begins at 3 pm and ends at 3:50 pm; parents can pick their children up in the cafeteria before 4 pm. At 4 pm any remaining students will be sent to Aftercare in the Middle School Commons and charged accordingly. Students who go from Karate to Aftercare will be charged $5 for pick up before 4:45 pm, and $10 for a pick up time of 4:45 pm and later. Students arriving in Aftercare from Karate will receive a snack upon arrival.
Students in 6th grade serve as safety patrols. They are assigned weekly duty on a rotating year-long schedule from the Safety Patrol Coordinator on the first day of school. If a student cannot fulfill their duty, he/she needs to contact other classmates to find a replacement. If there is inclement weather, Mr. Tony Carpenter will let the scheduled patrols know whether or not they are required to perform their duties. Morning duty is begins at 7:30 am until the bell rings at 7:40 am. Afternoon duty is from 2:43 pm to 2:48 pm.
Piano Lessons
If your student is interested in taking piano lessons at St. Charles, contact Mary Ann Zabinski who teaches lessons at our school and is a MN Music Teacher’s Certified Piano Teacher. Lessons begin in mid-September and continue through Memorial Day. Cost is $25/lesson. You can contact Mrs. Zabinski at or 612-787-1104. The joys found in music training are immense and long-lasting!
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl is a general knowledge bowl sponsored by area Catholic high schools. The St. Charles Quiz Bowl team meets for practice after school in November and December. Students have the opportunity to use the knowledge they have gained through school, extra-curricular activities, and their own interests to test their wits against other Twin Cities schools in the MN Quiz Bowl Alliance. They will compete in regional Quiz Bowl tournaments as well as the National Quiz Bowl tournament in the spring. Our team has a successful history of reaching the national competition level!
Our STEM Club is for 5th through 8th grade students. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is fun and exciting! It is rapidly expanding even in untraditional areas of life. STEM Club meets on Saturday mornings for 6 weeks from February to March. Cost is $40 per student. Parents are welcome to volunteer and help out! Click here for the 2025 STEM Club.
Youth Ministry
Junior High Youth Ministry activities are planned for grades 5-8. Weekly offerings include a Bible Study on Mondays after school until 4 pm, Open Youth Room on Wednesdays after school until 4 pm, and JPII Society on Fridays after school until 4 pm. There will also be a monthly “Friday Night Live (FNL)” event held monthly from 7-9 pm. Check out the calendar for dates and activities: