The Kindergarten curriculum at St. Charles includes both academic and religious study, including: English/language arts, math, science, social studies, and religion. Meet our Kindergarten teachers and aides!
Kindergarten Academic Study
- Read, write and represent whole numbers, from 0 to at least 31
- Count, with or without objects, forward and backward to at least 20
- Use ordinal numbers to state an object’s position in a sequence
- Compare numbers using greater than, less than and equal to
- Compare and order whole numbers, with and without objects, from 0-20
- Find a number that is 1 more or 1 less than a given number
- Use objects and draw pictures to find the sums and differences of numbers between 0 and 10
- Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures
- Create and extend patterns
- Recognize basic two- and three-dimensional shapes
- Sort objects using characteristics such as shape, size and color
- Use shapes to model real-world objects
- Use words to compare objects according to length, size, weight and position
- Order objects according to length, weight and capacity
- Identify the five senses and their function
- Understand the similarities and differences of common plants
- Understand the characteristics of living and non-living things in relation to our physical environment
- Develop and awareness of the importance of nutritional and dental care in daily life
- Understand matter
- School Time: School Helpers and Tools
- Follow the Rules: Rules, Leaders, and Community Helpers
- My Place on Earth: Maps and Globes—Land, Water and Natural Resources; Where I Live
- Looking at People: Families, Languages, Customs and Celebrations
- Long Ago and Today: Holidays, Heroes and Tools/Technology
- State of MN: State Symbols
- Workers All Around: Jobs and Volunteerism, Trading, Money Spending and Saving Money
- The Blessed Trinity
- Creation
- I am Special to God, Who Made Me
- Ten Commandments
- Love Others As God Loves You
- The Church is God’s House
- Sin, Baptism, Forgiveness
- Prayer, The Rosary
- Mass
- Jesus is God the Son
- Miracles of Jesus
- Jesus says,”Come Follow Me”
- Jesus, Our Example
- Faith and Trust
- After Death There Is Life
- God Should Come First In Our Lives
- God Cares for Us And All He Has Made
- All Saints’ Day, Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter