Fifth Grade
The 5th grade curriculum at St. Charles includes both academic and religious study, including: English/language arts, math, science, social studies, and religion.
Meet our Middle School teachers.
5th Grade Academic Study
- Place Value
- Powers & Exponents
- Partial Products and the Distributive Property
- Multiplication & Division: Applications, Patterns, & Estimations
- Decimals: Estimations, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication & Division, Investigative Problem Solving
- Order of Operations
- Ordered Pairs
- Numerical Expressions and Patterns
- Fractions: Multiples & Factors, Division & Multiplication
- Fraction and Decimal Conversions
- Measurement: Conversions, Capacity, Estimation
- Basic Geometry: Polygons, Classification of Shapes, Volume of Composite Figures
Life Science
- Basic Chemistry
- Cells and the Microscope
- Genetics
- Classification
- Plants
- Animals
- Ecology
Science Skills
- Scientific Method
- Lab Measurement, Tools, Safety, and Reports
- Precision and Accuracy
- Inference and Observation
- Dimensional Analysis
- Nature of Science
- Graphing
- Density
- Design, build, and program Lego Robots
- Engineering Design Cycle
- Uses of Robotics
- Natural Disasters and Disaster Recovery Cycle
- Rube-Goldberg Machines
- Various Engineering-Based Projects
- United States History
- Revolutionary War
- Formation of the U.S. Government
- Civil War
- The Holy Trinity
- Commandments
- Jesus: God and Son
- Parables and Miracles
- The Church
- Mary, Mother of God
- Sacraments
- The Mass
- The Beatitudes
- Prayer
- Holy Rosary
- Angels and Saints
- Bible Usage
Art, Spanish, Music, Computer, and Physical Education are also incorporated into the curriculum at St. Charles. Find out more about our Specialists here.