Eighth Grade
The 8th grade curriculum at St. Charles includes both academic and religious study, including: English/language arts, math, science, social studies, and religion.
Meet our Middle School teachers.
8th Grade Academic Study
- Analyzing, Summarizing, and Inferring
- Recognizing Details
- Literary Elements, including Figures of Speech, Alliteration, Hyperbole, etc.
- Theme, Tone, Setting, Characterization, Genre
- Point of View
- Vocabulary
- Sentence Structure/Types
- Mechanics, including Parts of Speech, Capitalization, Punctuation
- Quotations and Dialogue
- Writing a Good Paragraph, Story, Paper
- Vocabulary and Spelling, including Definitions, Antonyms and Synonyms, Roots
- Speeches
- Keeping a Journal
- Novels: The Giver (Lois Lowry), The Pearl (John Steinbeck)
- Classify rational and irrational numbers
- Determine square roots
- Positive and negative exponents
- Weighted averages and mixture problems
- Distinguish between relationships, linear and non-linear functions
- Scientific notation
- Represent functions with tables, verbal descriptions, symbols and graphs
- Arithmetic and geometric sequences
- Calculate the slope, x- and y- intercepts of a line
- Write equation of a line in standard and slope-intercept form
- Graph equations and inequalities
- Represent situations using equations and inequalities involving linear expressions
- Solve equations and inequalities symbolically and graphically
- Solve systems of equations
- Parallel and perpendicular lines
- Add and subtract monomials and polynomials
- Multiply and divide monomials and polynomials (FOIL)
- Quadratic formula
- Simplify radical expressions
- Trigonometric ratios
- Scatter plots and lines of best fit
- Permutations and combinations
- Science skills
Chemistry topics:
- Properties of Matter
- Atomic Structure
- Periodic Table Organization
- Chemical Bonding
- Chemical Reactions
- Acid-Base Chemistry
Physics topics:
- Forces and Motion (including motion math)
- Simple Machines
- Electricity & Magnetism
- Waves
- Energy
Science skills (integrated through four years of middle school):
- Scientific Method
- Lab Measurement, Tools, Safety, and Reports
- Precision and Accuracy
- Inference and Observation
- Dimensional Analysis
- Nature of Science
- Graphing
- Density
- Design, build, and program Lego Robots
- Engineering Design Cycle
- Uses of Robotics
- Natural Disasters and Disaster Recovery Cycle
- Rube-Goldberg Machines
- Various Engineering-Based Projects
- Examine the Roots of U.S. Culture and Society
- Foundation of America, from Colonization to Nation
- English Influence on Institutions, Social Ideas, Governmental Notions
- Colonial Period
- Revolutionary Period
- Constitutional Period
- Activities and Simulations Allow Students to Experience History, including:
- Edmund Campion Trial
- Spanish Armada Game
- Game of Empire Trade Simulation
- Examine Christian Life through Study of the Sacraments
- How Christ Meets Us and Gives Us Grace through the Church
- Trinity as Model for Christian Moral Life
- Virtues, Commandments, and Beatitudes
- Fulfillment through Prayer, the Sacraments, and Our Relationships with God and Others
- Liturgy of the Hours
- Lectio Divina
- Vocations
- Serra Club Vocations Field Trip