Weekly Update – March 13, 2025
Calendar of Events |
Thu. Mar 13 | Parish Mission 5:30 PM Dinner, 6:30 PM Talk (Doran Hall & Church) |
Fri. Mar 14 | 8:00 AM K-8 Mass (church) |
1:45 PM Student-Faculty Floor Hockey Championship | |
6:00 PM Soup Supper, 6:30 Virtual Pilgrimage & 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross (church) | |
Sat. Mar 15 | First Communion Retreat |
Mon. Mar 17 | Out-of-Uniform Passes can be used |
Report Cards are available on Educate | |
Tue. Mar 18 | 9:00 AM 5th-8th Sacrament of Reconciliation (church) |
1:50 PM K-8 Stations of the Cross (church) | |
3:30 -8:00 PM Preschool - 8th Spring Conferences (school) | |
Parkway Pizza Fundraiser NIght | |
Wed. Mar 19 | 9:00 AM 2nd-4th Sacrament of Reconciliation (church) |
6:00 PM Ignite/Refuel for Confirmation & sponsors (church) | |
6:00 PM Holy Family (MSC) | |
Thu. Mar 20 | $1 Mustard Seed Communities Charity Spirit Wear Day |
3:30 -8:00 PM Preschool - 8th Spring Conferences (school) | |
Fri. Mar 21 | 8:00 AM K-8 Mass w/ music (church) |
Middle School Honors Assembly after Mass (church) | |
6:00 PM Soup Supper, 6:30 Virtual Pilgrimage & 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross (church) | |
Looking Ahead |
Mon. Mar 24 - Mon. Mar 31 | No School: Spring Break & Staff Development Day |
Sun. Apr 6 | 2:00 PM Confirmation (Cathedral of St Paul) |
Spread the word: New Student Applications Open
Tell all your family and friends about St. Charles School! We are now accepting new student applications for the 2025-26 school year.
Sign Up Now for Spring Conferences on March 18th & 20th
Conferences are on Tuesday, March 18, from 3:30 PM to 8:00 PM and Thursday, March 20, from 3:30 PM to 8:00 PM. To schedule conferences, visit this link: conferences. This link will bring you to the St. Charles School scheduling page. Select relevant preschool, elementary teacher(s), and/or a middle school time slot, and then register your name and contact info. This creates a registration for each conference and sends you a confirmation email with a link to choose appointment times.
- Preschool conferences will be scheduled in 15-minute time slots with your child’s teacher.
- Grade K-4 conferences will be scheduled in 20-minute time slots with your child’s teacher.
- For Middle School conferences, you will register for one-hour slots. During your hour, you may visit any middle school teacher in any order. If the line is long for a teacher, you may choose to visit another while the line shortens. Please introduce yourself and let each teacher know your child’s name when you sit down. Middle school grade-level teacher lists will be provided in the cafeteria on conference nights.
Contact the school office with questions at 612-781-2643
Lost & Found – Conference Time
The weather has been changing, and this means the Lost & Found is bursting with items. Please help us out during conferences by checking for anything that belongs to your child(ren). The Lost & Found will be displayed on tables in the main hallway for your convenience. Thank you!
Easter Food Drive
St. Charles students are partnering with the parish to provide Easter meals for those in need. Each grade level will be assigned a specific item to collect. Food will be collected now through April 11. Thank you for your help!
Click here for Easter Food Drive information.
Check Out These Volunteer Opportunities!
There are a number of volunteer opportunities coming up! Germ City, Hospitality for Conferences and sponsors, Teacher Appreciation week, Concessions, and more!! Sign up today!
Spring Group Piano Lessons
Sign up for Spring Group Piano Lessons! Lessons will begin on Tuesday, April 1. There will be 15 lessons for the spring session. Levels 1, 2, and 3 will be available. Click here for the spring group schedule.
- Level 1: 3:00 – 3:45 pm
- Level 2 or Level 3: 4:00 – 4:45 pm
Please email grouplessons@stchbs.org to sign up or to get more information. There are 10 spots available for each level!
Summer Camps are Here!
Dates for these 3 school summer camps are: Monday, June 9 – Thursday, June 12:
- Art Camps: current K-8th graders
- Basketball Camps: current 3rd-8th graders
- Floor Hockey Camp: current 4th-8th graders
Monday, June 16-Thursday, June 19:
- Volleyball Camps: current 3rd-8th graders
2024 Education Tax Information
More information: Click here for the 2024 Subtraction Credit Information
Register for the Borromeo Bash on May 3, 2025
Less than two months until this year’s Borromeo Bash at the Hollywood Theater!
Please purchase your tickets ASAP as we will sell out again this year! Visit the Bash website for all the details of this amazing night at Bash 2025.
We are in need of auction items! Visit our Amazon Wish List if you need some ideas of what to donate! Please drop them off at the school office between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM. All donation items and $10 per child for our grade level baskets are due by 4/4! Thank you for your generosity as we could not have a successful event without YOU!
Parish Updates and Events
Did You Know the Parish has a YouTube Channel? Learn about the Mass in Father and Deacon’s new series “What Happens at Mass” and view Formation Night speakers if you missed the monthly Wednesday night formation. And soon you will be able to catch up on the Parish Mission if you were not able to attend.
Prayer Corner
If you would like to add someone to our prayer corner, please email the information to Danny Kieffer.
- For the repose of the soul of Mrs. Juntilla’s father and for the comfort of his family.
- For a speedy recovery for Harold, sibling of students Louis, Jude, and Layla.
- For the repose of the soul of Raymond, grandpa to student Alijah, and for the comfort of his family.
- For the repose of the soul of Ron, grandpa to student Estelle, and for the comfort of his family.
- For the repose of the soul of Richard, grandfather of students June and Robert, and for the comfort of his family.
- For healing for 6-year-old Margaret and for guidance for her family. Margaret is a cousin to students Adriana, Robbie, Adeline, and Raina.
- For Ann, grandmother of students Eleni, John, and Andrew. Prayers for healing, success of the cancer treatment, and for the doctors and nurses.
- For Gregory, father of St. Charles student, Liam, in his deployment to the Middle East to care for wounded and ill service members – for safety and safe return for him and his unit.
- For healing for Bob, grandpa of Emily, as he continues fighting a serious infection.
- For healing from a 3rd cancer diagnosis for Jody, grandmother to students, Torin and Brody.
Helpful Links for Parents:
- St. Charles School Calendar
- St. Charles School Lunch menus
- St. Charles Athletic Calendar
- St Charles School Volunteers
- Spirit Wear orders
- Cretin Derham Hall Summer STEM Club
★Weekly Update article deadline: Wednesday 9:00 AM – Send submissions to mwappes@stchbs.org