Weekly Update Template
Calendar of Events |
Friday, Feb. 21 | 8:00 AM K-8 Mass w/music (church) |
Monday, Feb. 24 | Out-of-Uniform Passes can be used |
Tuesday, Feb. 25 | 6:00 PM School Advisory Meeting (room 104) |
Wednesday, Feb. 26 | 6:00 PM Holy Family (MSC) 6:00 PM Ignite: 5th-8th grades (youth room) |
Friday, Feb. 28 | NO SCHOOL - Staff Work Day Deadline for Aim Higher scholarship applications |
Saturday, March 1 | Last day to get Bash tickets at a discounted price |
Looking Ahead |
Monday, March 3 | Out-of-Uniform Passes can be used |
Wednesday, March 5 | Ash Wednesday 8:00 AM Mass (church) for K-8 |
Friday, March 7 | Last day of 2nd trimester |
March 8-9 | Parish Mission begins at all weekend Masses |
2025-26 School Year Aim Higher Scholarships – Deadline Feb. 28
Aim Higher is a non-profit organization that assists parents in making sure that each and every child is able to attend Catholic School. They give out scholarships all across our diocese. Students from St. Charles have received them each year. Again this year, they have invited everyone in our diocese to apply for Aim Higher Scholarships through TADS. Click on the following link to find a flier that includes details about how to apply for this scholarship: Aim Higher Scholarship Flyer in English and Aim Higher Scholarship in Spanish. We encourage you to apply if you already receive financial aid, or think you may be eligible. The deadline is February 28, 2025. All CURRENT families receiving an AIM Higher Scholarship for this school year must complete their application by February 28, 2025, to be eligible for the scholarship to continue into the next school year.
Thank YOU to the Knights of Columbus!
We received a $1,900 check from the Knights of Columbus from the pancake breakfast during the Learning Festival. We appreciate all their support in putting on this event to support our school.
Spread the word: New Student Applications Open
Tell all your family and friends about St. Charles School! We are now accepting new student applications for the 2025-26 school year. Apply Now!
Summer Camps are here!
Register for our summer camps. Dates for these 3 school summer camps are: Monday, June 9 – Thursday, June 12:
- Art Camp Camps: current K-8th graders
- Basketball Camps: current 3rd-8th graders
- Floor Hockey Camp: current 4th-8th graders
Monday, June 16-Thursday, June 19:
- Volleyball Camps: current 3rd-8th graders
2024 Education Tax Information
Click here for the 2024 Subtraction Credit Information
Register for the Borromeo Bash on May 3, 2025
Save the date: 5/3/2025 for this year’s Borromeo Bash at the Hollywood Theater! Get early bird pricing on tickets now until March 1st! We anticipate that we will sell out again this year so please get your tickets asap! Visit the Bash 2025 website for all the details of this amazing night! We are starting to collect auction items! Please visit our amazon wish list if you need some ideas of what we need. If you are interested in donating items to the Bash, please drop them off at the school front office between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM. Questions? Please reach out to BorromeoBash@stchbs.org.
Kids Heart Challenge – A message from KHC and Mr. Carpenter
Dear St Charles Borromeo School Families, We’re almost there – just a few more students to go before we reach our goal. There’s still time to make a difference. Take action today! Your family can become lifesavers by learning Hands-Only CPR, how to recognize the warning signs of a stroke, understand how the heart works, and by raising awareness and funds to help those with special hearts. Together we can create healthier futures! Here’s how you can get involved and make a Life-saving difference:
- Download the FREE AHA Schools App and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school’s team.
- Next, click on “send a text today” to easily reach friends & family!
- OR click HERE and choose “Sign Up” to get started.
- Complete Finn’s Mission!
We have some BONUS incentives for our students this year: School Goal: Raise $7,000 and/or 80 Students Sign up and/or 18 Students Complete Finn’s Mission and the top fundraiser from each elementary grade will SILLY STRING Mr. Carpenter!
- Every student that completes Finn’s Mission will be recognized during all school announcements, receive Finn’s Lifesaver Cape AND be entered to win 2 tickets to the 2026 Super Bowl!
- Raise $100 for the American Heart Association’s 100th Birthday and you will be entered to win an ANIMAL WARMIE.
- Raise $150 and receive Wylie and Bingo collectible keychain.
- Top Participating Class and Top Fundraising Class will receive EXTRA PE with Mr. Carpenter!
- Classroom Incentive: Help your classroom teacher earn $50 in Amazon rewards when 50% of class registers and 3 or more students/staff complete Finn’s Mission.
- For every 18 students that complete Finn’s Mission your school will be entered to win a $10,000 gym makeover on behalf of the NFL.
Thank you for being an integral part of the Kids Heart Challenge, supporting our school and the American Heart Association. Your commitment and involvement truly make a difference!
Parish updates and events
Did You Know the Parish has a Youtube Channel? Learn about the Mass in Father and Deacon’s new series “What Happens at Mass” and view Formation Night speakers if you missed the monthly Wednesday night formation. Check out Eucharistic Miracles of the World ~ February 24 and 25 at St. Maron’s Maronite Catholic Church 602 University Ave NE
- Saturday, February 24, 10:00-6:00
- Sunday, February 25, 9:30-3:00
Prayer Corner
If you would like to add someone to our prayer corner, please email the information to Danny Kieffer.
- For the repose of the soul of Audrey Sheppard, cousin to student Alaya, and for the comfort of her family.
- For peace and health for Richard and his family as he battles cancer. He is the grandfather of students June and Robert.
- For healing for 6-year-old Margaret and for guidance for her family. Margaret is a cousin to students Adriana, Robbie, Adeline, and Raina.
- For Ann, grandmother of students Eleni, John, and Andrew. Prayers for healing, success of the cancer treatment, and for the doctors and nurses caring for her.
- For Gregory, father of St. Charles student, Liam, in his deployment to the Middle East to care for wounded and ill service members – for safety and safe return for him and his unit.
- For healing for Bob, grandpa of Emily, as he continues fighting a serious infection.
- For healing from a 3rd cancer diagnosis for Jody Hilgert, grandmother to students, Torin and Brody.
Helpful links for parents:
- St. Charles School Calendar
- St. Charles School Lunch menus
- St. Charles Athletic Calendar
- St Charles School Volunteers
- Spirit Wear orders
- St. Anthony Boosters Softball: Clinic registration
- St. Anthony Boosters Baseball Registration and St. Anthony Baseball Clinics
★Weekly Update article deadline: Wednesday 9:00 AM – Send submissions to mwappes@stchbs.org