Weekly Update 36 – June 6, 2024
Calendar of Events |
FR.JUN 07 | Report Cards to be Mailed (Available electronically on Educate on Monday) |
MO.JUN 10 - TH.JUN 13 | School Office hours 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM |
MO.JUN 19 - TH.JUN 22 | School Office hours 9:00 AM - Noon |
Looking Ahead |
FR.AUG 02 | Village Fest Parade |
MO.AUG 19 | Used Uniform Sale |
TH.AUG 29 | Back to School Night |
TU.SEP 03 | First Day of School |
As we congratulate all of our 8th grade graduates we would like to take an opportunity to recognize those who received special awards.
The Most Valuable Player Awards:
The MVP for soccer is Mateo Munson
The MVP for volleyball is Stella Jacob
The MVP for girls basketball is Hailey Siroin
The MVP for boys basketball is Mateo Munson
President’s Academic Award for Excellence: Hannah A., Stella B., Mayalou D., Elijah D., Ella G., Eleni K., Mateo M., Hailey S.
President’s Award for Educational Achievement: Malia S.
St. Charles Sportsmanship Awards: Eleni K., Annabelle H., Stella J.
The Father Wittman Memorial Award for outstanding achievement in academics and athletics: Hannah A., Mateo M., Hailey S.
The Father Doran Memorial Award for an outstanding student who demonstrates academic excellence and reflects the spirit of Christian service to the community: Stella B., Ella G., Johnathon K.
Bus Applications for 2024-25 School Year ~ PAST DUE
Please complete the bus application form by May 31, 2024, if you are interested in bus service (through the district) for your K-8 student(s) for the 2024-25 school year. All students MUST apply in order to receive bus service for the 2024-25 school year. Every request will be reviewed, but there are no guarantees of out-of-district service, or where stops will be located. Please apply here.
Important End-of-the-Year Information
- Since After School Care payments are billed through TADs, your final bill will be due mid-June. You will receive an invoice from TADs.
4th Grade Lemonade Stand for Charity – Proceeds to River Valley Riders
Thank you, everyone, for your amazing support of our 4th Grade Lemonade Stand for Charity! The weather could have been better – but the smiles and generosity from all the parents, students, and teachers made this year another smashing success!
The LSFC raised $830.54! The 4th graders voted to give the money to a charity for animals – and the River Valley Riders (https://rivervalleyriders.org/) received our check in person on Monday. The founder herself was able to come to school to meet the kids! What a special day!
A special shout-out to the amazing volunteers who came in to mix lemonade and set up the stand when the teachers were busy teaching! You were an invaluable part of the LSFC team. Thank you SO much!
Together we live the Fruits of the Spirit with our kids!
Looking for Summer Tutoring?
Jen Gasik – Is your student struggling with math or reading/spelling concepts? Do you want your student/s to have a weekly “brush up” on skills throughout the summer? Do you have a small group of student friends who would like to have a summer book club or a 6-8 week introduction to playing the piano? I am available for many fun learning opportunities this summer! Scheduling flexible. Please email jgasik@stchbs.org for more info!
Sheyenne Gehlhausen – I have taught 4th grade at St. Charles for 4 years and have 6 total years of teaching experience. I am currently pursuing my master’s in reading education at St. Thomas University. I am willing to tutor grades K-5 in math and reading. I will be available to tutor at St. Charles on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the summer starting June 18th.
Reach out for more information: sgehlhausen@stchbs.org.
Victoria Paine – Including my time here at St. Charles, I have been teaching middle school for over 20 years. I bring the skills of a reading specialist in addition to my regular work with any English subject matter (reading, writing, grammar, spelling). I will tutor students in 4th grade and above. I am available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during the day. Both short term help on summer reading projects or long term goals to improve reading are possible. If you are interested in booking a time slot or would like more information, please contact me at vpaine@stchbs.org.
Jeanne Sharp – I am a licensed middle school math teacher, and I would be available to work with 6th – 8th grade students looking for some math tutoring. I am available on Tuesday mornings. Please feel free to reach out to me by email at jsharp@stchbs.org.
Used Uniform Collection
Cleaning out the closets before summer? Keep the August Used Uniform Sale in mind! Please bring any uniforms in good condition (jumpers, skirts, pants, shorts, shirts, sweatshirts) to the school office for our. If the office is not open when you drop off, you may leave the clothing in the black and yellow bin at the front door of the school.
Check out Donald’s Uniform Store’s June sales
St. Charles Playgroup
Warmer weather is here, which means the St. Charles Playgroup will meet outdoors at local parks every Thursday at 10 AM from May through October. Join other parents and their young children for a time of socialization and play. Please sign up at flocknote.com/stchb to receive email updates. Contact Marge Bona at czechgret@gmail.com with questions. Check out all the details here!
The Meal Train Ministry
Would you like to help provide meals for a person or family in their time of need? OR do you or someone you know have a short-term need (due to a birth, surgery, illness, etc.) for meals to be delivered to your home? Contact Joan Conlin at stchbmealtrain@gmail.com.
Youth Ministry
If you’d like to receive regular updates about youth ministry events, visit www.stchb.org, click on the little sheep in the upper left corner, and sign up for youth ministry Flocknote updates! Learn about what our Youth Ministry has to offer – the calendar of events, sign up for youth updates, save the dates, and more! Bookmark the site at: www.stchb.org/youth.
Check the links below the Prayer Corner for more information & activities
Prayer Corner
If you would like to add someone to our prayer corner, please email the information to Danny Kieffer at dkieffer@stchbs.org
- For Annette Calhoun, mother-in-law of staff member Mary Kate Calhoun, and her family as Annette enters hospice.
- For healing of cancer for former staff member Anne Fynn.
- For God’s grace and strength in this time of hospice for Darlene Lewis, grandmother of student Aria, and for Darlene’s loved ones.
- For healing and recovery for Marge Lipa, grandmother of students, Hunter, Savannah, Harper, and Tallulah.
- For a successful bone marrow transplant for staff member Carolyn Manciu.
- Prayers of thanksgiving for recovery from surgery for Norbert Rezac, father of staff member Vicki Paine.
- For healing from a stroke for Tom Ralph, grandfather of student Declan.
- For Victoria, aunt of preschooler Troy, as she undergoes treatment for breast cancer.
- For Maura, mother of Alexandros ‘22 and student Eleni, as she undergoes treatment for breast cancer.
- For healing of cancer for Roy, husband of former teacher Marion Patton.
- For Jody, grandma to students Torin and Brody, for a successful recovery from heart surgery.
- For healing of cancer for Regun, brother to students Remy and Kahley.
- For Kathy, aunt of the Towle family, as she battles cancer.
- For Theresa, great-grandma of the Towles as she struggles with depression.
Additional Links
- St. Charles School Website ~ www.stchbschool.org
- St. Charles Google Calendar ~ St. Charles Calendar Link
- St. Charles Lunch Calendar ~ St. Charles Lunch Calendar Link
- St Charles Wellness Policy ~ School-Wellness-Policy
- St. Charles Google Athletic Calendar ~ St. Charles Athletic Calendar Link
- St Charles Volunteers ~ SignUpGenius
- St Charles Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/stchbs
- St Charles Spirit Wear ~ Schoolbelles questions: Josie at jasalzbrun@gmail.com
- St. Charles 2024/25 School Calendar ~ 24/25 Box-Calendar
- St. Charles Application for 2024/25 School Year ~ apply here
- St. Charles Borromeo Church: St Charles Church
- St. Anthony Boosters Softball registration: Softball Registration
- St. Anthony Boosters Soccer info & registration: here Soccer options: here
- Totino Grace Summer Camps including wrestling ~ https://www.totinograce.org/summercamps
- Benilde-St Margaret’s Open House May 9 ~ https://www.bsmschool.org/may-oh
★Weekly Update article deadline: Wednesday 9:00 AM – Send submissions to mwappes@stchbs.org